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Londa Coles

My personal story

Life, Faith, Confidence

I Would Describe myself as an individual that Loves and Cares for everybody. I do not necessarily need to know everyone or have a Personal Relationship with everyone to feel this way. We are all Human Beings existing in a World doing our best to survive as we go through the Challenges, Obstacles Trials, and Tribulations in Life.


We as Human Beings all look to Discover the Right Way or the Right Answers to what we may not have really and truly realized when it comes to how we choose to Address or look at Matters, Issues, Concerns, and Situations of Accountability when it came to how we went about Handling and Dealing with it.  If we Truly had a better understanding of the You in Ourselves perhaps when Matters, Issues, Concerns, and Situations arise we just may come to discover and realize that due to better understanding and knowing ourselves things could possibly have a positive and productive outcome.  I look to having a Strong, Positive Productive Impact on the World that has Lost So Much Faith, Trust, and Belief in Itself and Our Heavenly Father.


I Would Describe myself as an individual that Loves and Cares for everybody. I do not necessarily need to know everyone or have a Personal Relationship with everyone to feel this way. We are all Human Beings existing in a World doing our best to survive as we go through the Challenges, Obstacles Trials, and Tribulations in Life.


We as Human Beings all look to Discover the Right Way or the Right Answers to what we may not have really and truly realized when it comes to how we choose to Address or look at Matters, Issues, Concerns, and Situations of Accountability when it came to how we went about Handling and Dealing with it.  If we Truly had a better understanding of the You in Ourselves perhaps when Matters, Issues, Concerns, and Situations arise we just may come to discover and realize that due to better understanding and knowing ourselves things could possibly have a positive and productive outcome.  I look to having a Strong, Positive Productive Impact on the World that has Lost So Much Faith, Trust, and Belief in Itself and Our Heavenly Father.



Starts from Birth. Prior to being Conceived, it is very important to know your Parent's generational Medical History along with their Upbringing Background due to anything in their History being possibly carried over into their child/children.  that way early knowledge can be Ruled or Ruled Out. Why wait when that is what needs to be established prior to Conception?  


The Good. The Bad. The Disappointments.  The Struggles. The Goings and Comings. The Let Downs.  The Deceits. The Conflicts and most Importantly The Accepting Of The Things You Can Not Change.


Being You is about Identifying You. Knowing You. Having Faith, Trust and Belief in You. You are to get to know You. Challenge You and Become You.


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